There is beauty everywhere. The current quest for the perfect face, the perfect body, the perfect look….has no limits. Nothing is more appealing than simplicity and modesty. This collection is inspired by the melancholy for that impossible search, the exquisiteness of simple features, the elegance of pure lines. The harmony of the naïve faces portrayed in these paintings combined with the radiance of basic colors brings out a magnificent and imperfect beauty.
This idea has brought Adil Roufi to design women’s faces whose noses are, just a fine line, cuts falling into a small and shy mouth. He has used oil pastel colors as they allow him to give the purity, equilibrium and musicality that he is looking for and at the same time transmit a sense of vibration. The women in Adil’s paintings are somehow dispirited and live in a world that one could say is suffocating. Some burst out of the painting, and we can’t see them fully. Others will not dare to look at us hiding behind superficial masks. This is their struggle to get out.